haint / bip_utils

Implementation of BIP39, BIP32, BIP44, BIP49 and BIP84 for generation of crypto-currencies wallets (mnemonic phrases, seeds, private/public keys and addresses)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BIP utility library

PyPI version Build Status codecov License: MIT


This package contains an implementation of some BIP (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal) specifications, allowing to:

  • Generate a mnemonic string from a random entropy
  • Generate a secure seed from the mnemonic string
  • Use the seed to generate the master key of the wallet and derive the children keys, including address encoding

The implemented BIP specifications are the following:

  • BIP-0039 for mnemonic and seed generation
  • BIP-0032 for master key generation (from the secure seed) and children keys derivation
  • BIP-0044, BIP-0049 and BIP-0084 for the hierarchy of deterministic wallets, based on BIP-0032 specification

In addition to this, the package allows to:

  • Parse BIP-0032 derivation paths
  • Generate addresses for all the supported coins
  • Encode/Decode WIF
  • Encode/Decode base58
  • Encode/Decode segwit bech32
  • Encode/Decode Bitcoin Cash bech32
  • Encode/Decode Atom bech32

The package currently supports the following coins (I try to add new ones from time to time):

  • Bitcoin (and related test net)
  • Bitcoin Cash (and related test net)
  • BitcoinSV (and related test net)
  • Litecoin (and related test net)
  • Dogecoin (and related test net)
  • Dash (and related test net)
  • Zcash (and related test net)
  • Ethereum
  • Ethereum Classic
  • Tron
  • Ripple
  • VeChain
  • Cosmos
  • Band Protocol (Cosmos SDK)
  • Kava (Cosmos SDK)
  • IRIS Network (Cosmos SDK)
  • Terra (Cosmos SDK)
  • Binance Chain (Cosmos SDK)
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Avalanche (all the 3 chains)
  • Polygon
  • Fantom Opera
  • Harmony One (Ethereum and Cosmos addresses)
  • Huobi Heco Chain
  • OKEx Chain (Ethereum and Cosmos addresses)

Clearly, for those coins that support Smart Contrats (e.g. Ethereum, Tron, Avalanche, ...), the generated addresses are valid for all the related tokens.

Install the package

The package requires Python 3, it is not compatible with Python 2.
To install it:

  • Using setuptools:

      python setup.py install
  • Using pip:

      pip install bip_utils

To run the tests:

  • Without code coverage

      python -m unittest discover
  • With code coverage and report:

      pip install coverage
      coverage run -m unittest discover
      coverage report

BIP-0039 library

Mnemonic generation

A mnemonic string can be generated by specifying the words number (in this case a random entropy will be used) or directly the entropy bytes.
Supported words number:

Words number Enum
12 Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_12
15 Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_15
18 Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_18
21 Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_21
24 Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_24

Supported entropy bits:

Entropy bits Enum
128 Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_128
160 Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_160
192 Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_192
224 Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_224
256 Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_256

Supported languages (if not specified, the default is English):

Language Enum
English Bip39Languages.ENGLISH
Italian Bip39Languages.ITALIAN
French Bip39Languages.FRENCH
Spanish Bip39Languages.SPANISH
Portuguese Bip39Languages.PORTUGUESE
Czech Bip39Languages.CZECH
Chinese (simplified) Bip39Languages.CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED
Chinese (traditional) Bip39Languages.CHINESE_TRADITIONAL
Korean Bip39Languages.KOREAN

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip39EntropyGenerator, Bip39MnemonicGenerator, Bip39WordsNum, Bip39Languages

# Generate a random mnemonic string of 12 words with default language (English)
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator().FromWordsNumber(Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_12)

# Generate a random mnemonic string of 15 words by specifying the language
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator(Bip39Languages.ITALIAN).FromWordsNumber(Bip39WordsNum.WORDS_NUM_15)

# Generate the mnemonic string from entropy bytes:
entropy_bytes_hex = b"00000000000000000000000000000000"
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator().FromEntropy(binascii.unhexlify(entropy_bytes_hex))
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator(Bip39Languages.FRENCH).FromEntropy(binascii.unhexlify(entropy_bytes_hex))

# Generate mnemonic from random 192-bit entropy
entropy_bytes = Bip39EntropyGenerator(Bip39EntropyBitLen.BIT_LEN_192).Generate()
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator().FromEntropy(entropy_bytes)

Mnemonic validation

A mnemonic string can be validated by verifying its checksum. It is also possible to get back the entropy bytes from a mnemonic.
When validating, the language can be either specified or automatically detected. Automatic detection takes more time, so if you know the mnemonic language in advance it'll be better to specify it at construction.

Code example

from bip_utils import Bip39ChecksumError, Bip39Languages, Bip39MnemonicValidator

# Get back the original entropy from a mnemonic string, specifying the language
entropy_bytes = Bip39MnemonicValidator(mnemonic, Bip39Languages.SPANISH).GetEntropy()
# Like before with automatic language detection
entropy_bytes = Bip39MnemonicValidator(mnemonic).GetEntropy()
# Get if a mnemonic string is valid, return bool
is_valid = Bip39MnemonicValidator(mnemonic).IsValid()
# Validate a mnemonic string, raise exceptions
    # Valid...
except Bip39ChecksumError:
    # Invalid checksum...
except ValueError:
    # Invalid length or language...

Seed generation

A secure 64-byte seed is generated from a mnemonic and can be protected by a passphrase.
This seed can be used to construct a Bip class.
Also in this case, the language can be specified or automatically detected.

Code example

from bip_utils import Bip39SeedGenerator

# Generate with automatic language detection and passphrase (empty)
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate()
# Generate with automatic language detection and custom passphrase
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate("my_passphrase")
# Generate specifying the language
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic, Bip39Languages.CZECH).Generate()

BIP-0032 library

The BIP-0032 library is wrapped inside the BIP-0044, BIP-0049 and BIP-0084 libraries, so there is no need to use it alone unless you need to derive some non-standard paths.

Construction from a seed

The class can be constructed from a seed. The seed can be specified manually or generated by Bip39SeedGenerator.
The constructed class is the master path, so printing the private key will result in printing the master key.

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip32

# Seed bytes
seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c453ccb85e70811aaed6f6da5fc19a5ac40b389cd370d086206dec8aa6c43daea6690f20ad3d8d48b2d2ce9e38e4")
# Construct from seed. In case it's a test net, pass True as second parameter. Derivation path returned: m
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromSeed(seed_bytes)
# Print master key in extended format

In addition to a seed, it's also possible to specify a derivation path.

Code example

# Derivation path returned: m/0'/1'/2
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromSeedAndPath(seed_bytes, "m/0'/1'/2")
# Print private key for derivation path m/0'/1'/2 in extended format

Construction from an extended key

Alternatively, the class can be constructed directly from an extended key.
The object returned will be at the same depth of the specified key.

Code example

from bip_utils import Bip32

# Private extended key from derivation path m/0'/1 (depth 2)
key_str = "xprv9wTYmMFdV23N2TdNG573QoEsfRrWKQgWeibmLntzniatZvR9BmLnvSxqu53Kw1UmYPxLgboyZQaXwTCg8MSY3H2EU4pWcQDnRnrVA1xe8fs"
# Construct from key (return object has depth 2)
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromExtendedKey(key_str)
# Print keys

# Public extended key from derivation path m/0'/1 (depth 2)
key_str = "xpub6ASuArnXKPbfEwhqN6e3mwBcDTgzisQN1wXN9BJcM47sSikHjJf3UFHKkNAWbWMiGj7Wf5uMash7SyYq527Hqck2AxYysAA7xmALppuCkwQ"
# Construct from key (return object has depth 2)
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromExtendedKey(key_str)
# Print key
# Getting private key from a public-only object triggers a Bip32KeyError exception

Keys derivation

Each time a key is derived, a new instance of the Bip32 class is returned. This allows to chain the methods call or save a specific key pair for future derivation.
The Bip32Utils.HardenIndex method can be used to make an index hardened.

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip32, Bip32Utils

# Seed bytes
seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c453ccb85e70811aaed6f6da5fc19a5ac40b389cd370d086206dec8aa6c43daea6690f20ad3d8d48b2d2ce9e38e4")
# Path: m
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromSeed(seed_bytes)
# Derivation path: m/0'/1'/2/3
bip32_ctx = bip32_ctx.ChildKey(Bip32Utils.HardenIndex(0)) \
                     .ChildKey(Bip32Utils.HardenIndex(1)) \
                     .ChildKey(2)                         \
# Print keys in extended format
# Print keys in hex format
# Print private key in WIF format
# Print public key converted to address

# Alternative: use DerivePath method
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromSeed(seed_bytes)
bip32_ctx = bip32_ctx.DerivePath("0'/1'/2/3")

# DerivePath derives from the current depth, so it can be split
bip32_ctx = Bip32.FromSeed(seed_bytes)
bip32_ctx = bip32_ctx.DerivePath("0'/1'")   # Derivation path: m/0'/1'
bip32_ctx = bip32_ctx.DerivePath("2/3")     # Derivation path: m/0'/1'/2/3

Parse path

The Bip32 module allows also to parse derivation paths by returning the list of indexes in the path.
In case of error, an empty list is returned.

Code example

from bip_utils import Bip32PathParser

# Print: ["m", 2147483648, 2147483649, 2]
# Same but skipping the master. Print: [2147483648, 2147483649, 2]
print(Bip32PathParser.Parse("0'/1'/2", True))
# 'p' can be used as an alternative character instead of '
# Error path: empty list returned. Print: []

Bip-0044, BIP-0049, BIP-0084 libraries

These libraries derives all from the same base class, so they are used exactly in the same way.
Therefore, the following code examples can be used with the Bip44, Bip49 or Bip84 class.

Construction from a seed

A Bip class can be constructed from a seed, like Bip32. The seed can be specified manually or generated by Bip39SeedGenerator.

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip44, Bip44Coins

# Seed bytes
seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c453ccb85e70811aaed6f6da5fc19a5ac40b389cd370d086206dec8aa6c43daea6690f20ad3d8d48b2d2ce9e38e4")
# Derivation path returned: m
# In case it's a test net, pass True as second parameter
bip44_ctx = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.BITCOIN)

Construction from an extended key

Alternatively, a Bip class can be constructed directly from an extended key.
The Bip object returned will be at the same depth of the specified key.

Code example

from bip_utils import Bip44, Bip44Coins

# Private extended key
key_str = "xprv9s21ZrQH143K3QTDL4LXw2F7HEK3wJUD2nW2nRk4stbPy6cq3jPPqjiChkVvvNKmPGJxWUtg6LnF5kejMRNNU3TGtRBeJgk33yuGBxrMPHi"
# Construct from extended key
bip44_ctx = Bip44.FromExtendedKey(key_str, Bip44Coins.BITCOIN)

Keys derivation

Like Bip32, each time a key is derived a new instance of the Bip class is returned.
The keys must be derived with the levels specified by BIP-0044:

m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index

using the correspondent methods. If keys are derived in the wrong level, a RuntimeError will be raised.
The private and public extended keys can be printed at any level.

Currently supported coins enumerative:

Coin Main net enum Test net enum
Bitcoin Bip44Coins.BITCOIN Bip44Coins.BITCOIN_TESTNET
Litecoin Bip44Coins.LITECOIN Bip44Coins.LITECOIN_TESTNET
Dogecoin Bip44Coins.DOGECOIN Bip44Coins.DOGECOIN_TESTNET
Dash Bip44Coins.DASH Bip44Coins.DASH_TESTNET
Zcash Bip44Coins.ZCASH Bip44Coins.ZCASH_TESTNET
Ethereum Bip44Coins.ETHEREUM -
Ethereum Classic Bip44Coins.ETHEREUM_CLASSIC -
Ripple Bip44Coins.RIPPLE -
Tron Bip44Coins.TRON -
VeChain Bip44Coins.VECHAIN -
Cosmos Bip44Coins.COSMOS -
Band Protocol Bip44Coins.BAND_PROTOCOL -
Kava Bip44Coins.KAVA -
IRIS Network Bip44Coins.IRIS_NET -
Terra Bip44Coins.TERRA -
Binance Chain Bip44Coins.BINANCE_CHAIN -
Binance Smart Chain Bip44Coins.BINANCE_SMART_CHAIN -
Avalanche C-Chain Bip44Coins.AVAX_C_CHAIN -
Avalanche X-Chain Bip44Coins.AVAX_X_CHAIN -
Avalanche P-Chain Bip44Coins.AVAX_P_CHAIN -
Polygon Bip44Coins.POLYGON -
Fantom Opera Bip44Coins.FANTOM_OPERA -
Harmony One (Metamask address) Bip44Coins.HARMONY_ONE_METAMASK -
Harmony One (Ethereum address) Bip44Coins.HARMONY_ONE_ETH -
Harmony One (Cosmos address) Bip44Coins.HARMONY_ONE_ATOM -
Huobi Chain Bip44Coins.HUOBI_CHAIN -
OKEx Chain (Ethereum address) Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ETH -
OKEx Chain (Cosmos address) Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ATOM -
OKEx Chain (Old Cosmos address before mainnet upgrade) Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ATOM_OLD -

The library can be easily extended with other coins anyway.


  • Bip44Coins.HARMONY_ONE_ETH generates the address using the Harmony One coin index (i.e. 1023). This is the behavior of the official Harmony One wallet and the Ethereum address that you get in the Harmony One explorer.
    However, if you just add the Harmony One network in Metamask, Metamask will use the Ethereum coin index (i.e. 60) thus resulting in a different address. Therefore, if you need to generate the Harmony One address for Metamask, use Bip44Coins.HARMONY_ONE_METAMASK.
  • Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ETH and Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ATOM generate the address using the Ethereum coin index (i.e. 60). These formats are the ones used by the OKEx wallet. Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ETH is compatible with Metamask.
    Bip44Coins.OKEX_CHAIN_ATOM_OLD generates the address using the OKEx Chain coin index (i.e. 996). This address format was used before the mainnet upgrade (some wallets still use it, e.g. Cosmostation).

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes

# Seed bytes
seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"5eb00bbddcf069084889a8ab9155568165f5c453ccb85e70811aaed6f6da5fc19a5ac40b389cd370d086206dec8aa6c43daea6690f20ad3d8d48b2d2ce9e38e4")
# Create from seed
bip44_mst = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.BITCOIN)

# Print master key in extended format
# Print master key in hex format

# Print public key in extended format (default: Bip44PubKeyTypes.EXT_KEY)
# Print public key in raw uncompressed format
# Print public key in raw compressed format

# Print the master key in WIF

# Derive account 0 for Bitcoin: m/44'/0'/0'
bip44_acc = bip44_mst.Purpose() \
                     .Coin()    \
# Print keys in extended format

# Derive the external chain: m/44'/0'/0'/0
bip44_change = bip44_acc.Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT)
# Print again keys in extended format

# Derive the first 20 addresses of the external chain: m/44'/0'/0'/0/i
for i in range(20):
    bip44_addr = bip44_change.AddressIndex(i)
    # Print extended keys and address

In the example above, Bip44 can be substituted with Bip49 or Bip84 without changing the code.

Addresses generation

These libraries are used internally by the other libraries, but they are available also for external use.

Code example

from bip_utils import (
  P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH, BchP2PKH, BchP2SH, AtomAddr, AvaxPChainAddr, AvaxXChainAddr,
  EthAddr, OkexAddr, OneAddr, TrxAddr, XrpAddr

# P2PKH addresses (the default uses Bitcoin network address version, you can pass a different one as second parameter)
addr = P2PKH.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)
# P2SH addresses (the default uses Bitcoin network address version, you can pass a different one as second parameter)
addr = P2SH.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)
# P2WPKH addresses (the default uses Bitcoin network address version, you can pass a different one as second parameter)
addr = P2WPKH.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)

# P2PKH addresses in Bitcoin Cash format
addr = BchP2PKH.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes, "bitcoincash", b"\x00")
# P2SH addresses in Bitcoin Cash format
addr = BchP2SH.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes, "bitcoincash", b"\x00")

# Ethereum needs the uncompressed public key (discard the first 0x04 byte)
addr = EthAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes[1:])
# Tron needs the uncompressed public key
addr = TrxAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes[1:])
# AVAX needs the compressed public key
addr = AvaxPChainAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)
addr = AvaxXChainAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)
# Atom needs the compressed public key
addr = AtomAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes, "cosmos")
# OKEx Chain needs the uncompressed public key
addr = OkexAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes[1:])
# Harmony One needs the uncompressed public key
addr = OneAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes[1:])
# Ripple needs the compressed public key
addr = XrpAddr.ToAddress(pub_key_bytes)


This library is used internally by the other libraries, but it's available also for external use.

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import WifDecoder, WifEncoder

key_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b'1837c1be8e2995ec11cda2b066151be2cfb48adf9e47b151d46adab3a21cdf67')

# Encode
enc = WifEncoder.Encode(key_bytes)
# Decode
dec = WifDecoder.Decode(enc)


This library is used internally by the other libraries, but it's available also for external use.
It supports both normal encode/decode and check_encode/check_decode with Bitcoin and Ripple alphabets (if not specified, the Bitcoin one will be used by default).

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import Base58Decoder, Base58Encoder, Base58Alphabets

data_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"636363")

# Normal encode
enc     = Base58Encoder.Encode(data_bytes)
# Check encode
chk_enc = Base58Encoder.CheckEncode(data_bytes)

# Normal decode
dec     = Base58Decoder.Decode(enc)
# Check decode, RuntimeError is raised if checksum verification fails
chk_dec = Base58Decoder.CheckDecode(chk_enc)

# Same as before with Ripple alphabet
enc     = Base58Encoder.Encode(data_bytes, Base58Alphabets.RIPPLE)
chk_enc = Base58Encoder.CheckEncode(data_bytes, Base58Alphabets.RIPPLE)
dec     = Base58Decoder.Decode(enc, Base58Alphabets.RIPPLE)
chk_dec = Base58Decoder.CheckDecode(chk_enc, Base58Alphabets.RIPPLE)


This library is used internally by the other libraries, but it's available also for external use.

Code example

import binascii
from bip_utils import (
    AtomBech32Decoder, AtomBech32Encoder, AvaxChainTypes, AvaxBech32Decoder, AvaxBech32Encoder
    BchBech32Encoder, BchBech32Decoder, SegwitBech32Decoder, SegwitBech32Encoder

data_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b'9c90f934ea51fa0f6504177043e0908da6929983')

# Encode with segwit
enc = SegwitBech32Encoder.Encode("bc", 0, data_bytes)
# Decode with segwit
wit_ver, wit_prog = SegwitBech32Decoder.Decode("bc", enc)

# Encode with BCH
enc = BchBech32Encoder.Encode("bitcoincash", b"\x00", data_bytes)
# Decode with BCH
net_ver, dec = BchBech32Decoder.Decode("bitcoincash", enc)

# Encode with ATOM
enc = AtomBech32Encoder.Encode("cosmos", data_bytes)
# Decode with ATOM
dec = AtomBech32Decoder.Decode("cosmos", enc)

# Encode with AVAX
enc = AvaxBech32Encoder.Encode(data_bytes, AvaxChainTypes.AVAX_X_CHAIN)
# Decode with AVAX
chain_type, dec = AvaxBech32Decoder.Decode(enc)

Complete code example

Example from mnemonic generation to wallet addresses.

from bip_utils import Bip39MnemonicGenerator, Bip39SeedGenerator, Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes

# Generate random mnemonic
mnemonic = Bip39MnemonicGenerator.FromWordsNumber(12)
print("Mnemonic string: %s" % mnemonic)
# Generate seed from mnemonic
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate()

# Generate BIP44 master keys
bip_obj_mst = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.BITCOIN)
# Print master key
print("Master key (bytes): %s" % bip_obj_mst.PrivateKey().Raw().ToHex())
print("Master key (extended): %s" % bip_obj_mst.PrivateKey().ToExtended())
print("Master key (WIF): %s" % bip_obj_mst.PrivateKey().ToWif())

# Generate BIP44 account keys: m/44'/0'/0'
bip_obj_acc = bip_obj_mst.Purpose().Coin().Account(0)
# Generate BIP44 chain keys: m/44'/0'/0'/0
bip_obj_chain = bip_obj_acc.Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT)

# Generate the address pool (first 20 addresses): m/44'/0'/0'/0/i
for i in range(20):
    bip_obj_addr = bip_obj_chain.AddressIndex(i)
    print("%d. Address public key (extended): %s" % (i, bip_obj_addr.PublicKey().ToExtended()))
    print("%d. Address private key (extended): %s" % (i, bip_obj_addr.PrivateKey().ToExtended()))
    print("%d. Address: %s" % (i, bip_obj_addr.PublicKey().ToAddress()))


If you'd like to donate something:

  • BTC: bc1qxr3camglhmrcl5uhs2m5hmaxmrxf47krs3fzpm
  • ETH: 0xd059eA7259367512fFC7269B9beD4A45f13bb40b

Thank you very much in advance for your support.


This software is available under the MIT license.


Implementation of BIP39, BIP32, BIP44, BIP49 and BIP84 for generation of crypto-currencies wallets (mnemonic phrases, seeds, private/public keys and addresses)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%