Hain v0.6.2 - hain.exe electron process persistent CPU spike
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on my machine one of the hain threads is really consuming CPU usage.
(i5-2500k @ 4.5GHz, 16GB RAM)
It spikes from idle, to up to 50%, and will stick around there between 30-50% when doing nothing. this is weeks after indexing has completed.
Please let me know how to generate debug information on this so I can help to improve hain
wonder if this can be improved by storing last modified dates on recursive trees
I'd want to get confirmation that is the cause. The best way to do this would be to run hain from a command shell (cmd.exe) which will show the output of what it's doing. See what is being logged when the spike happens. I haven't personally noticed any spikes while having it running.
Closing this as OP has not responded.
sorry, I forgot to update this issue. I am no longer seeing this issue in the latest versions. 0.6.4