haifgh / ansible-web-gomycode

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Apache on Ubuntu 18.04

This playbook will install the Apache 2 web server on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine, as explained in the guide on How to Use Ansible to Install and Configure Apache on Ubuntu 18.04. A virtualhost will be created with the options specified in the vars/default.yml variable file.


  • app_user: a remote non-root user on the Ansible host that will own the application files.
  • http_host: your domain name.
  • http_conf: the name of the configuration file that will be created within Apache.
  • http_port: HTTP port, default is 80.
  • disable_default: whether or not to disable the default Apache website. When set to true, your new virtualhost should be used as default website. Default is true.

Running this Playbook

Quick Steps:

1. Obtain the playbook

git clone https://github.com/do-community/ansible-playbooks.git
cd ansible-playbooks/apache_ubuntu1804

2. Customize Options

nano vars/default.yml
app_user: "sammy"
http_host: "your_domain"
http_conf: "your_domain.conf"
http_port: "80"
disable_default: true

3. Run the Playbook

ansible-playbook -l [target] -i [inventory file] -u [remote user] playbook.yml

For more information on how to run this Ansible setup, please check this guide: How to Use Ansible to Install and Configure Apache on Ubuntu 18.04.
