hackwaly / ocamlearlybird

OCaml debug adapter

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atagunov opened this issue · comments

Hi, many thanks for your hard work, I've got high hopes :)

To my great convenience fresh versions of both of

are available on https://open-vsx.org/ as well as https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/

Would it be too much to ask to make fresh versions of hackwaly/ocamlearlybird more readily available to VSCodium afficionados?


Good idea. Added to todo.

It's now recommended to use the https://github.com/ocamllabs/vscode-ocaml-platform/#debugging-ocaml-programs-experimental extension which also seems to be on https://open-vsx.org/extension/ocamllabs/ocaml-platform.
Unfortunately 1.13, which brings the earlybird support, didn't automatically get published there but hopefully it will soon (I pinged someone about it).