hackforla / covid19-help

A resource site for living in Los Angeles during the pandemic

Home Page:https://sites.google.com/view/lacommunityresources/population-groups

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add Content for ReadMe file or setup WIKI

ExperimentsInHonesty opened this issue · comments


We need to have a working READme file or WIKI to easily on-board new team members.

Action Items

  • Add the following information as a comments to this issue:
    • Identify what information needs to be collected.
    • Identify who holds each piece of information.
    • Collect information.


Current Readme
example wiki


Any resources for a Getting Started link (a link to a wiki, readme(s) or both)
###DRAFT (last edit on 4/9/20)

Welcome to Covid19 Help Wiki!

###Project Definition
Creating an easy to use website with resources available for Angelenos impacted by Covid19. We want the site to achieve the following goals:

  1. Easy to navigate for all Angelenos
  2. Provides up-to-date information
  3. Can be easily collaborative

###Introduction to the Project
Why create this website?
There are many resource documents circling the internet which can cause confusion and sometimes may not reach the intended audience. As a team, we believe that we can leverage our skills and networks to help build an easy-to-use site that takes all of the information circling around and puts it in one place.

What are our guiding objectives?

###Joining the Covid19 Help Team
Welcome to the Covid19 Help development team! This guide will help get you up to speed on what you need to know to get started as a project team member.

###Let's go!
If you have not read the Guide for New Volunteers, please do so.

  1. Join the #hfla-site slack channel and introduce yourself.
  2. Slack our PM's [Samarth](@samarth Mohan) and Karen with your email address.
  3. Accept your Google Drive invite to access the shared folder.
  4. Add yourself to the Team Roster. Then, Slack our PM with "Added to Roster".
  5. Read Introduction to the Project.

###Accessibility Standards
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all websites be accessible to people with disabilities. The World Wide Web (W3C) Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA function as the current legal standard for website accessibility.

Get acquainted with accessibility: https://www.ada.gov/pcatoolkit/chap5toolkit.htm


Team Roster


