hack4impact-calpoly / wilshire-hope-chest

Donation tracker for Hope Chest thrift store in San Luis Obispo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

01 - Item Card Component

jlaksana opened this issue · comments

As a user, I want to be able to see donated items with relevant information attached to them.

Create a frontend component of an Item card that can be listed on the main page of the app. You do not need to create the tags in the task (it will be a separate task).

  • View the design on Figma
  • Create the component with generic data
  • Have the component take in props for the item name, date, money, and categories (tags)



  • any styles you think should be global, put in app.css
  • choose date format that is easiest to read. likely dd/mm/yyyy