haarnoja / sac

Soft Actor-Critic

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Docker Image won't create due to conda's environment.yml inconsistencies

rock-it-with-asher opened this issue · comments

when executing docker-compose up from my Macbook Pro, DockerFile would fail on step 26/35 for non satisfied libs for numpy=1.13.0 dep. (blas,mkl etc.)

so I made some modifications to make it work:

  • under channels section I added - https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/ to be the last url.

  • under dependencies add - blas on top of others. and removed - matplotlib since for some reason it freeazed the process.


  • change Anaconda2*.sh file to latest Anaconda2*.sh`

  • change:
    RUN conda env create -f /root/sac/environment.yml \ && conda env update
    RUN conda env create -n sac
    RUN conda env update
    RUN conda export -f /root/sac/environment.yml

I believe this will save someone's time in future and strongly suggest to test and commit those changes @haarnoja