h5bp / server-configs-nginx

Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

remote url content

Sarfroz opened this issue · comments

hi, will this configuration of Nginx will be good for creating of remote download URL server. for my use there is no use of database just remote URL download, any config I try creates a heavy cache.

total used free shared # buff/cache available
Mem: 31G 871M 29G 254M # 429M 29G
Swap: 1.0G 39M #98 4M

buff cache I cleared that's why lower value otherwise it goes more than 2GB. is there any solution to stop this buff/cache as with apache buff/cache always under 100Mb only. But as I switched to Nginx this buff/cache increased tremendously. Hope you can provide some solutions.

Hope you can provide some solutions.

No, sorry, please contact your host or ask your question on a dedicated forum.