h4r5h1t / webcopilot

An automation tool that enumerates subdomains then filters out xss, sqli, open redirect, lfi, ssrf and rce parameters and then scans for vulnerabilities.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SUBLIST3R_V2.0 domain enumaration failed (missing VirusTotal API key)

fmarquisOF opened this issue · comments


lauching webcopilot with just a domain name seems to hang when using SUBLIST3R.
I tried launching this tool directly (without copilot), and it asks for a VirusTotal API key. Looking into SUBLIST3R code, you can now provide an API key with an env vaiable VTAPIKEY, cf. https://github.com/hxlxmjxbbxs/sublist3rV2?tab=readme-ov-file#set-virustotal-api-key-environment-variable

So it should be said somewhere here that you need to provide such an API key before launching webcopilot

Thx for your work, going back to testing this tool !

thx for the tip, but even so, still hang in here :'( but the command line works manually, it doesn t ask for api key anymore