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Building with Mruby does not work

libDarkstreet opened this issue · comments


Hi, I've looked at the official docker images and I don't quite understand the many packages in them.

I recently made an Alpine based docker image which is 30mb. I probably missed something so I was wondering what else is needed to work properly?

It works very well for me so far, but I haven't tried things like mruby and I'm not sure if I need to install something to make it work or if it works by default.

My image: https://github.com/libDarkstreet/h2o-docker/blob/main/Dockerfile


After reading through the documentation I tried to build it with mruby but unfortunately it always gets stuck at some point and I can't find the source of the problem.

Screenshot from 2023-02-22 12-34-51

It seems to be fixed the same issue #2789
I can build your dockerfile patched below

diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
index 115afef..3f034b3 100644
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ ARG VER
 RUN apk update
-RUN apk add --no-cache git libstdc++ build-base ruby ruby-dev bison make cmake ca-certificates openssl-dev libc-dev linux-headers zlib-dev
+RUN apk add --no-cache git libstdc++ build-base ruby ruby-dev bison make cmake ca-certificates openssl-dev libc-dev linux-headers zlib-dev ruby-rake perl-dev
 RUN update-ca-certificates
 RUN git clone --depth 1 --branch $VER https://github.com/h2o/h2o.git .
 # Mruby build currently broken.
-RUN cmake -DWITH_MRUBY=off .
+#RUN cmake -DWITH_MRUBY=off .
 RUN make -j 4 install
 FROM alpine:latest as prod

I consider that alpine:latest might have not include ruby3.1 at that time. And now the latest doesn’t include ruby-rake and perl-dev , I don’t see why it doesn’t but you should add with apk.


Thanks! Here are the images: https://hub.docker.com/r/darkstreet00/h2o-docker

Later we will probably build all versions, for now we only have the latest ones.