gyf304 / vmcli

A set of utilities (vmcli + vmctl) for macOS Virtualization.framework

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Working in monterey, however VM Linux not full configured

ruyrybeyro opened this issue · comments

In Monterey 12.0.1, using an Intel i7 MacBook Pro, the virtual machine is created, however the Linux/provisioning script is lacking proper steps of initialization.

Found these issues:

  • ansible seems not to be running, so user is never created ; better create it via the command line.
  • sudo is not needed when running as root.
  • Also network interface not configured, Ubuntu uses netplan.
  • ssh host keys are also not initialized.

I ended up changing root password, adding to the script :

send -- "echo 'root:root' | chpasswd\r"
expect "# "

Then I added a netplan configuration, creating file /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml

version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: true

(netplan file not well rendered here for some reason. There are indenting spaces)

Ran "netplan apply" as root, and enp0s1 immediately got an IP address.

Nevertheless, ssh service still did not go up at boot time, for the lack of host keys.

After creating a non-privileged user and running as root:

ssh-keygen -A

Was then able to use the ssh service, and copied manually my ssh keys.

Unrelated question, would the virtual disk image support qcow2?

Cloud-init looks to be a bit busted in my tests.