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gxlb publish some base libraries written by Go.
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package binary is a lightweight and high-performance serialization library to encode/decode between go data and []byte.
gx is an extend library of golang std library
gogp is a tool of generic-programming for golang or any other languages
cli is a command line parser for go. It is a break implement refer to [urfave/cli](
gita is a git assistant tool written by GO.
ringbuffer is a lock-free queue written by GO.
encoding enables convert between json/yaml/xml in Go
godi is a distributed framework written by GO.
isolate is a server module framework written by GO.
tokenizer is a custom token decomposer.
xnet is a application level network library wrtten by GO.
xson is a GO port of HOCON(super json) config format.
gants is a goroutine pool in GO
gxlb goxlib
logi is a manual memory management package written by GO.
qnet is a high performance net transfer layer library written by GO.
xell is another shell language written by Go.
xlang is a concept of programming language designed for modern architecture.
xpool is a goroutine pool library.