gvergnaud / ts-pattern

🎨 The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript, with smart type inference.

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Seemingly incorrect tuple maching types

rijenkii opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I was trying to match an array of unknown size, and execute functions:

  • a if arrays type is [],
  • b if arrays type is [string],
  • c if arrays type is [string, ...string[]].

I've tried doing it like this:

import { match, P } from "ts-pattern";

const array = ["1", "2", "3"] as readonly string[];

function a(_: readonly []) {}
function b(_: readonly [string]) {}
function c(_: readonly [string, ...string[]]) {}

  .with([], a)
  .with([P.string], b)
  .with([P.string, ...P.string], c);

However I have noticed that when swapping functions in with calls, no typescript errors are produced, i.e. these all are correct according to the typechecker:

match(array).with([], a);
match(array).with([], b);
match(array).with([], c);
match(array).with([P.string], a);
match(array).with([P.string], b);
match(array).with([P.string], c);
match(array).with([P.string, ...P.string], a);
match(array).with([P.string, ...P.string], b);
match(array).with([P.string, ...P.string], c);

TypeScript sandbox with a minimal reproduction case



  • TypeScript version: 5.2.2
  • ts-pattern version: 5.0.5
  • environment: N/A?

It's because you've disabled strict generic checks.

Removing that setting fixes it, mostly: Playground.

There are more issues...

The rest pattern is incorrect/invalid. You need [P.string, ...P.array(P.string)] instead of [P.string, ...P.string].
I removed the other config options from your playground and that is now correctly an error.
And array is no longer always typed as {}...
Everything then seems as expected.