guzru / winston-sentry

Sentry transport for winston logger for node js

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Support for stack traces

Almad opened this issue · comments

Currently, there is no way to provide error objects in a way that will preserve stack traces in sentry.

For pinpointing production errors, that would be great (and is supported by raven-node).

A quick clarification on behalf of @Almad - we're using winston to log errors like:

log.error('Hi, I am a bad error', new Error())

However, winston-sentry sees that the log level is error and automatically creates a new Error() object and logs that. The log function could be just a little more clever and check if the incoming parameters are instanceof Error. In my mind, there are 3 valid signatures:

  • log.error('Hi, I am a bad error') automatically creates a new error object
  • log.error('Hi, I am a bad error', new Error()) uses provided error object
  • log.error(new Error('Hi, I am a bad error')) uses provided error object

I'll look into this when I can (cannot say when though), but I thank @zzen for the explanation and the suggestion.
Anyway, AFAIK winston is currently unmantained, so it might be a good idea not to rely on this at least for new projects. I currently do not have time to check out what the situation is.

This issue is was resolved in #9, but I still need to publish a newer version to NPM (waiting for @guzru). I suggest to test your code on the master branch and let me know if it works for you. All the use cases you mentioned above are supported as follows:

  • log.error('Hi, I am a bad error'): does not created a new error object. message logged as is
  • log.error('Hi, I am a bad error', new Error()): concatenates the provided message with the message of the Error object. Stack trace supported
  • log.error(new Error('Hi, I am a bad error')): uses message in Error object. Stack trace supported

Version 0.0.6 now supports stack traces as described above