guyfedwards / medicspot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Node code challenge

New Readme


Answers to the questions can be found in ./

Running the app

You can run the app with yarn start. The app will the be served at localhost:8080.


There are several yarn scripts for running the server, tests and ui

buildui - builds new ui 
dev     - runs the server in dev mode with nodemon
start   - runs the server with NODE_ENV=production set
startui - starts ui server. Looks for api on port 8080
test    - runs the tests
  • More comprehensive tests
  • Proper error handling middleware
  • Docker setup
  • Better styling on the UI
  • Usually I wouldn't include public in the git repo but for ease of use I have included it


This challenge has three parts:

  1. Written answers to Questions
  2. Build a geo search server
  3. Build a form to search and display results

We're looking for elegant, clean solutions. Try to think of and handle possible edge cases.

This challenge is sent to experienced developers and newcomers alike. Developers who are familiar with the technologies can complete this within an hour, those who are less familiar will take longer. We suggest spending a maximum of 2 hours on this challenge, the objective is to demonstrate you think through a problem.

There are hints available should you get stuck.

Part 1: Questions

The goal here is to describe as clearly and tersely as possible. As much an assesment of communications as JavaScript knowledge.

Part 2: The geo search server

The objective is to create a server which can be queried for names of points of interest in the UK.

For a given input such as hastin a set of matching results should be returned which start with this input.


The server should respond to the following route


Where fuzzyMatchString will be a partial name of a location. For example


Could return a the following JSON response (NOTE: Your dataset only contains GB locations, so the results will differ)

  "Hastings Castle",
  "Hastings Slieve Donard Hotel",
  "Hastings Everglades Hotel",
  "Hastings Railway Station",
  "Hastings Culloden Estate",
  "Hastings Europa Hotel",
  "Hastings District",
  "Hastings Stormont",
  "Hastings Ballygally Castle Hotel",
  "Hastings Culloden Estate & Spa",
  "Hastings Slieve Donard Resort And Spa"

NOTE: You should only start fuzzy matches if 2 or more characters are in the search string.


You can use whatever server library you like but it must be written in node. The data of the locations should be stored in a SQLite database, and be loaded in from the data source provided in this repo.

Data source:

The data source is available in this repo in the ./data directory. The readme in that directory explains how to use the data.

Part 3: The search form

The objective is to provide a user interface to search for names.

The interface should comprise of a search box and list of results.

When the user starts typing the results should be displayed in the list below.

   [ Search here     ]

   * Result 1
   * Result 2
   * Result 3
   * Result 4

NOTE: It is important to display the correct results for a given search term.


The implementation should be a single page app. Feel free to use any tools or frameworks to create the solution. The solution is only required to support the latest version of Chrome.


All work should be commited into a fork of this repo. Please note you won't have permission to push to this repo directly (see for help)

You'll get bonus points if you

  • Display coordinates next to results
  • Unit test your code
  • Provide good documentation
  • Sort the results by the closest name match

Good luck!



Language:JavaScript 95.1%Language:HTML 4.9%