gurugaurav / OpenCV-vehicle-counting

OpenCv based live vechicle counting system written in C.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cannot compile and run in ubuntu 18.04

Hrishikesh24 opened this issue · comments

VehicleDetection.cpp:62:4: error: expected primary-expression before ‘->’ token
cv->BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bg(100, 150, false); // history is an int, distance_threshold is an int (usually set to 16), shadow_detection is a bool
VehicleDetection.cpp:63:2: error: ‘bg’ was not declared in this scope
bg(frame, fore, -1); //learning_rate = -1 here

get this error when i try to compile the code

and also cannot run the compiled file because it requires libopencv version compatible with ubuntu 16.04