gurrgur / er-patcher

Elden Ring enhancement patches (ultrawide support, custom frame rate limits and more) seamlessly integrated with steam.

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Is it possible to add FOV control?

canceralp opened this issue · comments

Awesome tool. I know there are many other tools to change FOV but only this one works on Linux so is it possible to add FOV control to it?


I was able to change the FOV by editing the "regulation.bin" file.
You'll have to edit it every time there is a new update of the game, but it works and seems pretty reliable.
To edit it I used Yapped Rune Bear. I'm on Linux, therefore I had to run the program through wine and for some reason the latest version of the program (2.0) did not work for me, but the version 1.10.1 did, just something to keep an eye on.

To edit the file, you should:

  1. Change the game to Elden Ring

  2. Open (File > Open) the "regulation.bin" (I recommend making a backup of the original as a fail-safe):

  3. Scroll down to "LockCamParam":

  4. For the first 3 rows in the middle column change the "Field Of View - Y Change" in the last column:
    This row affect the FOV when walking/running, by default the value will be 46, I changed it to 80 as that was what I ended up liking more, feel free to experiment.
    This row affect the FOV when mounted on the horse, by default the value will be 43, I changed it to 76 as that was what I ended up liking more, also feel free to experiment.
    This row affect the FOV when locked on a target, by default the value will be 54.5.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
João Pedro Braz

Thank you for the detailed answer. However, when I open the software the third column is empty and the left column is red. I tried both with the game open and not open and the result is the same.


@canceralp that's strange, try importing names (Tools > Import Names) and see if that helps.

Best Regards,
João Pedro Braz