guoyu07 / altax

A simple deployment tool for PHP.

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Altax is a simple deployment tool for PHP. The features are the following.

  • Written in PHP.
  • Runs SSH in parallel.
  • Easy to use. It runs in single PHP Archive(phar) file.

Altax is strongly inspired Capistrano and Cinamon. But They don’t allow you to write a deployment task in PHP. Altax is different. The following code is a example to declare deployment task for Altax.

// Target hosts and ssh connection settings.
host('',  array('host' => '', 'port' => '22'), 'web');
host('',  array('host' => '', 'port' => '22'), 'web');
host('',  array('host' => '', 'port' => '22'), 'web');

// Deployment task.
desc('Deploy application.');
task('deploy', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){

    run('git pull', array('cwd' => '/path/to/application'));


Altax version 2 is being rebuilt using Symfony Components. It has a lot of difference from version 1. If you use Altax version 1. You read


PHP5.3 or later.


There are several ways to install Altax to your system.

Installing as a phar (Most easy way)

Most easy way to install Altax to your system is to run the below command.

$ curl | sudo bash -s system v2

You will get altax to /usr/local/bin directory.

Or, You can install it manually. Download altax.phar. And move altax.phar to /usr/local/bin.

$ wget
$ chmod 755 altax.phar
$ mv altax.phar /usr/local/bin/altax

Installing as a composer package

Composer is a famous dependency management tool for PHP. If you want to use Altax through a composer package management, you can use composer installation. Make composer.json file like the following.

  "require": {
    "kohkimakimoto/altax": "2.1.*"

And run composer install command.

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar install

Basic Usage

Runs altax init command.

$ altax init

You will have a default configuration file .altax/config.php.

Modify .altax/config.php for your environment. You need to define hosts and tasks like the following.

host('', array('web', 'localhost'));

desc('This is a sample task.');
task('sample',array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){

    run('echo Hellow World!');


Run the following command to execute your sample task.

$ altax sample
Altax version 2.1.0
Starting altax process
  - Starting task sample
    Found 1 target hosts:
    - Running sample at
Hellow World!
    Completed task sample


Altax loads configuration files from three different places.

  • At first, loads ~/.altax/config.php
  • At second, loads .altax/config.php under the current working directory.
  • At third, loads file specified by a command line -f option.

Here is a sample configuration file.

host('', array('web', 'localhost'));

desc('This is a sample task.');
task('sample', function($host, $args){

  run('echo Hellow World!');


You can write any configuration in PHP. And you can use several configuration functions similar to Capistrano DSL. Here is a list of Altax bultin configuration functions.

  • host - Associates a host with multiple roles.
  • role - Associates a role with multiple hosts.
  • task - Defines a new task.
  • desc - Associates a description with the next task that gets defined.
  • set - Sets a variable.
  • get - Gets a variable.
  • run - Executes commands on remote managed server.
  • run_local - Executes commands on local server.
  • run_task - Runs other task in the task method.
host(string $host, [array $options,] mixed $roles)

host associates a host with multiple roles. And configure specified host settings. For instance SSH connection settings.


  • host: Host name
  • options: Associated settings to the host
  • roles: Associated roles


// Define server "" and associates with "web" role.
host('', 'web');
// Define server "" and associates with "web" and "dev" role.
host('', array('web', 'dev'));
// Define server "" and associates with "web" role. options are ssh connection settings.
host('', array('host' => '', 'port' => '22', 'login_name' => 'userhoge', 'identity_file' => '/home/userhoge/.ssh/id_rsa'), 'web');
role(string $role, mixed $hosts)

role associates a role with multiple hosts.


  • role: Role name for classifing multiple hosts.
  • hosts: Associated hosts.


role('web', array('','',''));
role('db', '');
task(string $name, [array $options,] callback $function)

task defines a new task.


  • name: Task name.
  • options: Associated settings to the task.
  • function: Callback function implemented task.


// Task for web role servers.
task('task1', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.

// Task for web and db role servers.
task('task2', array('roles' => array('web', 'db')), function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.

// Task for servers.
task('task2', array('hosts' => ''), function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.

// Task runs localhost (do not connect remote servers).
task('task3', function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.

// You can use command line arguments passed to your task. 
// $ altax task4 foo bar
// And you can use arguments as below PHP code.
task('task4', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
    // args[0] => "foo"
    // args[1] => "bar"

// Using namespace.
task('foo:task1', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.
task('foo:task2', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
    // your task code here.
desc(string $description)

desc associates a description with the next task that gets defined.


  • description: Associates a description


desc('Deploy application.');
task('deploy', function($host, $args){

  // your code here.


// You can see above description altax list command
// $ altax list
set(string $key, mixed $value)

set sets a variable.


  • key: key of variable.
  • value: value of variable.
get(string $key, mixed $default)

gets a variable.


  • key: key of variable.
  • default: Default value when the variable dosen't exist..
run(string $command, array $options)

run executes commands on a remote managed server using SSH.


  • command: Executing command
  • options: Options to change command behavior.
    • user is used to change user executing command.
    • cwd is used to change current working directory when the command execute.


// Run git pull in the '/path/to/application'
run('git pull', array('cwd' => '/path/to/application'));

// Restart httpd. 'user' option changes user to run command. You need to setup sudo configuration on altax ssh connection user.
run('/etc/init.d/httpd restart', array('user' => 'root'));
run_local(string $command, array $options)

run_local executes commands on a local server.


  • command: Executing command
  • options: Options to change command behavior.
    • user is used to change user executing command.
    • cwd is used to change current working directory when the command execute.


// Run git pull in the '/path/to/application'
run_local('git pull', array('cwd' => '/path/to/application'));

// Restart httpd. 'user' option changes user to run command. You need to setup sudo configuration on altax ssh connection user.
run_local('/etc/init.d/httpd restart', array('user' => 'root'));
run_task(string name, [array $arguments])

run_task runs other task in the task method.


  • name: Executing task name
  • arguments: Arguments passed to the task.


task('task1', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
  // task code ...


task('task2', array('roles' => 'web'), function($host, $args){
  // task code ...



You can use some builtin sub commands.

  • init - Creates default configuration files
  • config - Shows configurations
$ altax init
$ altax config

Command line options

  • --debug -d - Switch the debug mode to output log on the debug level.
  • --quiet -q - Do not output any message.


Kohki Makimoto


Apache License 2.0



A simple deployment tool for PHP.



Language:PHP 95.9%Language:Shell 4.1%