gund / eslint-plugin-deprecation

ESLint rule that reports usage of deprecated code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TypeScript 4 peerDependency fix not published to NPM

hithomasmorelli opened this issue · comments

When installing this plugin on a TypeScript 4 project, I get the error described in #11 (and fixed in #12). However, since this plugin hasn't been published to NPM since #12 was merged, the fix isn't yet doing anything.

Would it be possible for an updated version to be published to NPM?

Ah true, since the commit message did not follow conventional commits spec it did not trigger autorelease.

Sorry I did not catch that earlier.
I will create a proper commit to publish changes soon.


Okay so the new commit is pushed and once it's CI is finished the version should be on NPM =)

Okay, it's published in 60d8377

@gund Brilliant, thanks! Don't worry about not having caught it sooner 😊