gulpjs / vinyl

Virtual file format.

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Enhanced stat object

phated opened this issue · comments

Opening this as the solution to a bunch of other issues.

This to achieve:

  • *nix-like behavior for atime/mtime/etc properties (#72)
  • Virtual directories (#100)
  • User-friendly mode property (gulpjs/vinyl-fs#112)
  • Construct with always-valid properties (new fs.Stats doesn't do this)
  • Flag remote files (isRemote) and avoid path normalization or do URI normalization (#127)
  • More?

Do we have a status update on this issue @phated? How close to complete is this?

I'm running into some issues where we are trying to pass around a Vinyl stat object into existing fs based interfaces that expect a regular fs based stat object.

@Marak Approximately 0% - Vinyl's stat object is still just constructed by fs.Stat. I created a repository at but no one was interested in helping out so this will fall to the future.

Quoting "steps" as outlined in gulp-community/gulp-less#303 (comment)

Basically the way I see it working is:

  • better-stats would be created to do exactly that - a better stats object, and it would handle the ctime (mode change) attribute automatically any time it was changed
  • a vinyl instance would handle updating its stats atime (access time) and mtime (modify time) whenever the contents attribute was modified ( to compare), or stream was piped to something (would be tricky to determine if the output as actually changed or not, but possible). Would probably want to use a proxy here.
  • vinyl-fs would need to be modified to work with the new stat objects, and support setting ctime/mtime/atime properly on write in dest.

I'm pretty sure we'd need to work on a BetterBuffer object that would interact with BetterStats but I'm not sure, as I haven't looked into it at all.

Picking this one up and assigning to myself. @phated I noticed a lot of work has been done on better-stats, can you give a quick update on what is still missing + your plans for that? I want to make sure I don't reinvent the wheel if you've already made API decisions for that.

Any news on this? We just ran into problems caused by gulp (4.0.2) not updating the last-modified property on overwritten/updated files (on Node.js 12.18.3).

Unfortunately, no one has begun work on this yet. @VividVisions would you want to help out?

@phated I'm sorry, but I fear I don't have the necessary time to dive into this. :(