guileen / node-sendmail

send mail without setting up a SMTP server

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Needs update

opened this issue · comments

Needs an update, multiple packages are depricated

Expected Behavior

should be updated

Current Behavior

mailcomposer and buildmail are unmaintained

Possible Solution

Update and find newer dependencies

Your Environment

Windows, Node 11x

@eclipsemain yea we will get this done within the week

@benbucksch - thanks for the ping

Check this out -

let me know if it still works for you

I decided to pull the deprecated package in because we made a conscious decision in 1.0.0 that we did not want to get into the game of formatting emails properly. Picking a package like mail composer allowed up to add a ton of extra functionality because it was all in the formatting. Now that is deprecated it leaves us with 3 options

  1. pull in the deprecated packages and maintain them ourselves
  2. remove it and find an alternative
  3. go back to the basic formatting we had before

Im leaning toward option one as you see in the branch above

@GreenPioneer Is there a reason why they are deprecated?

@pixelplanetdev you are spot on with that and its fine if you want to switch back to nodemailer

I have thoughts about going back to the old way we build mail before we brought on buildmail but i dont know if would add enough value to the package because its due for a rewrite anyway