guilatrova / tryceratops

A linter to prevent exception handling antipatterns in Python (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).

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Generic name when running tryceratops as a module

rodrigogiraoserrao opened this issue · comments

I installed tryceratops and tryceratops.exe got installed into a folder that is not on my PATH variable.

What I usually do, to run things like black, is python -m black, and the same thing works for tryceratops, naturally.

However, some of the command-line options give generic info back because __name__ is now "__main__":

 > python -m tryceratops --version, version 0.2.3


 > python -m tryceratops --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] [DIR]...
# omitted

Notice both appearances of where I expected tryceratops or In my opinion the doesn't look good, in a stylistic sense.

Interesting... I couldn't simulate. What's your OS?

Windows 10, 64 bit, Python 3.9, tryceratops installed for the user, not globally.

Update: seems like other tools also have this quirk, e.g. black shows the same thing.

Interesting, I'll take a look

It seems easy to fix. Saving for later: pallets/click#1399

Done, next release it will be fixed