guilatrova / tryceratops

A linter to prevent exception handling antipatterns in Python (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unpin dependencies (or adopt a bot to help upgrade it like Dependabot)

paw-lu opened this issue · comments

Hi! Enjoying the project!

One issue I have come across again is that this project's dependecy pinning causes conflicts with other libraries

It happened once before to Click, and recently again have had trouble with Rich.

Rich itself updates major versions pretty often, so this is likely to happen again in the future.

Two solutions:

  1. Unpin the dependencies, this is becoming more popular. It just involves switching from pining to the major version to just enforcing a minmum version.

    - rich = "^10.14.0"
    + rich = ">=10.14.0"
  2. Use an automation tool like Dependabot to keep your depenencies up to date, and update often.

Happy to help with either of these if you are interested.

Again, thanks for the tool!

Edit: Wrong article was linked in first point (it supported the second point)

Thank you @paw-lu for making such great suggestions and for contributing to the project.

I'll read the article you share since I'm interested, and then share thoughts.

I got convinced with this article:

I read specific sections, it's very clear to me the problem and I do agree we should solve it. I'll prepare a PR with suggestions and assign it to your for review @paw-lu

I got convinced with this article:

I read specific sections, it's very clear to me the problem and I do agree we should solve it. I'll prepare a PR with suggestions and assign it to your for review @paw-lu

Thanks for posting that! I ran into a conflict between rich and tryceratops this morning trying it out and was surprised since my app uses rich, but I wanted to see what kind of feedback tryceratops had about my code.

@GlenNicholls It should have been solved already. Let me know if it's still happening for you.
Closing this issue for now.