guilatrova / tryceratops

A linter to prevent exception handling antipatterns in Python (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).

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CI/CD Automate package publishing and versioning with semantic release and Poetry

guilatrova opened this issue · comments

Status quo

Today we use flit because it seemed easy at first (and it really was). Looks like Poetry does not just manage dependencies, but it can be used for publishing as well.

Expected result

I'm lazy, I don't feel like manually publishing and managing dependencies. I wish a similar flow as described here.

The CI/CD flow I hope is like:

Once PR is open

Once merged to main

  • Generate new version (everywhere toml, init, readme) + commit
  • Generate changelog + commit
  • Generate GitHub Release
  • Publish the package to PyPI

I installed the convention commits bot for now. I might start a PR finish the plan only by next weekend 😅

I could clarify all available options for pyproject here: