guilatrova / tryceratops

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How to run the test suite?

MaxG87 opened this issue · comments

I wanted to implement some fuzzing tests using Hypothesis. Before, I wanted to run the test suite unchanged. Unfortunately I couldn't manage to do so. The project neither has a nor a meaningful Poetry setup nor a tox setup.

I think one of these should be there to allow externals to reproduce the test suite. If they all are undesired, a brief section in the would be very helpful.

Thanks for the push, yes, I should make it more clear.

For now, what you need is:

# I suggest creating your own virtualenv here
# Install dependencies
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

# Run package installer
flit install --sym

# Run tests

Let me know if it works for you!

And that should be it. I need to see if adding poetry makes sense since we already have flit (poetry does more than flit, but flit is simpler to publish IMHO).

I created a new contributing doc and created a new issue to track the new CI/CD flow (with Poetry) that would benefit the whole project: #19