guigrpa / oao

A Yarn-based, opinionated monorepo management tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to add linked dependency: `oao add sub-package scoped-dependency`

ericclemmons opened this issue · comments

Suppose I have this:

  example-a/  (example-a)
  scoped-b/  (@scoped/b)

When I run:

$ oao add example-a @scoped/b

Yarn attempts to run yarn install @scoped/b (which doesn't exist yet).

Still interested in this, or using lerna instead?

Still interested in this. Not using lerna because oao works better.

In the interim, I'm manually adding "@scoped/b": "*" to package.json within example-a right now.

Fixed in v0.10.1, but please check in your case.