guigrpa / docx-templates

Template-based docx report creation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shift + Enter between two IF conditions

matcobat opened this issue · comments


First, I would like to say that I really love docx-templates !
I recently found a bug, that makes the "createReport" method looping in an infinite way (so, my application do not answer anymore :().

I am actually using the NodeJS version.

Here is an example of a template that cause the bug.

If I replace the "Shift Enter" by a simple "Enter" after the first IF, it is working fine.
On my application, since I let users to create their own templates, I can not check all the templates. Since this is completely crashing my app, it is very annoying.

if it could work, of throw an error, it would be fantastic !

Thanks !

On my application, since I let users to create their own templates, I can not check all the templates.

Similar in my case, was fighting endless loops aswell. I think in the end I've monkeypatched an loop-counter in there, to at least stop the loop and have a proper error handling.

Let me check tomorrow on my workaround, mby it helps you.
Would be awesome to get rid of this bug so.

Possibly related to #154?
(IF's are only for loops with 0 or 1 iteration)

Hi all, I encountered the same issue, with two IF on the same line (version 4.11.3). Here is a template that blocks my program:

+++ IF variable1 +++ +++ IF variable2 +++
+++ END-IF +++
+++ END-IF +++

Hi @KingofGnome,
You're right, it is certainly the same problem.