gudaleon / RSWMM

Autocalibration for EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) version 5. You're fully responsible for the any problems related to this software - I'm not maintaining it because I am working on a similar, separate and larger programming effort.

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Autocalibration for EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) version 5 using multi- or single objective optimization in R.

You're fully responsible for the any problems related to this software - I'm not maintaining it currently. It was tested with 5.0.022. It looks like if moving to SWMM version 5.1+, the binary file reader in RSWMM.r would have to be changed (probably a minor change). See item 33 under "Build 5.1.001 (3/24/2014)" on this EPA page listing SWMM changes by version.

This R code runs a SWMM input text file repeatedly with modification of the text file based on the last SWMM output and the next trial parameters selected by R optimization code. The prerequisites for using the code are having a SWMM input file, calibration data, willingness to read code (it's not that bad :)), and willingness to check the output closely as the code is experimental. These scripts currently only do autocalibration.

I am working on a similar, separate and larger programming effort (in parallelized Python not R). RSWMM is only a proof of concept. The new effort extends these ideas to a more flexible interface and tiered design optimization. If you are interested in any of that, or have any feedback on RSWMM, please let me know (see below)

Summary of How to Use this Code Efficiently

  1. Get a SWMM .inp input text file
  2. Read below (a cut and paste of runRSWMM.r) and note each comment's warnings
  3. Choose multi- or single objective
  4. Get your calibration time series CSV in the right format, or use an argument to accomodate your format
  5. Run it after making sure you have disk space or you have edited the code to programmatically delete files

runSWMM.r is quoted below. It is just a lot of help comments around R function calls that use SWMM binary file reader as part of autocalibration.

#runRSWMM Developed by Peter Steinberg
#Version 1: December 2011
#Revision 1.1: January 1/10/2012, corrected problem in binary file reader

#General Notes #Before editing this script do the following things: #Move your SWMM file to a directory that can hold a lot of files #Test that you can run your SWMM file from this directory and you haven't messed up paths to files or something #Take your SWMM input file and replace the uncertain parameters with codes like

$1$, $2$, $3$

#You can repeat codes if you want the optimization algorithm to repeat a parameter. #For example, if you know 2 subcatchments should have the same infiltration rate, you

can put the same code in for their infiltration rates and they will receive the same parameter

#Create a parameter bounds CSV file that looks like this (without the comment sign #):









#Create a calibration time series data CSV that looks like this (without the comment sign #): #Date ,(CFS) #1/1/07 0:01,0.08 #1/1/07 0:02,0.22 #1/1/07 0:03,0.38 #1/1/07 0:04,0.54 #1/1/07 0:05,0.67 #1/1/07 0:06,0.83

#REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO USE DOUBLE BACKSLASHES FOR ALL FILENAMES########## #You have to manually create all directories you provide. RSWMM does not make directories.

#Preliminaries: clear workspace and source the RSWMM code for a function library rm(list=ls()) #edit this source line to reflect where you have saved RSWMM.r. source("O:\departments\Water Quality\Users\Peter\programs\RSWMM\RSWMM.r")

#If you are doing a calibration run, you need to provide the following lines

to direct the optimizer to your files

#Calibration Data should be in a CSV with datetimes in the first column, #and data in the second column #The text file is assumed to have a one line header #Call this function with the correct dateFormat for your datetimes #the dateFormat is passed to strptime, so look for formatting information there #for example, dates like this 1/1/07 12:00, can be read with the default dateFormat #e.g.: #Date ,(CFS) #1/1/07 0:01,0.08 #1/1/07 0:02,0.22 #1/1/07 0:03,0.38 #1/1/07 0:04,0.54 #1/1/07 0:05,0.67 #1/1/07 0:06,0.83

calDataCSV="O:\departments\Water Quality\Users\Peter\programs\RSWMM\testingData\CalData1.csv"

*Read the rest of runRSWMM.r


Autocalibration for EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) version 5. You're fully responsible for the any problems related to this software - I'm not maintaining it because I am working on a similar, separate and larger programming effort.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:R 100.0%