guark / guark

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Guark run fails on Windows 10

SGarno opened this issue · comments


  • OS: Windows
  • Version: 10
  • Go Version 1.15:

Describe the bug
Performing a guark run command fails with the following error message:

D:\Development\guark>guark run  
✔ UI server started successfully.
✔ Starting guark dev app...
exit status 3221225781
exit status 1

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install guark demo
  2. Type guark run

Expected behavior
The command guark build works and creates an exe that runs properly. However, guark run does not.

This issue is in webview/webview dlls, you can change the engine name in guark.yaml file to chrome and It will work for you! then on build you can set it to webview or hybrid

Confirmed. This does work using chrome. Thank you.

运行: guark init --template vue --mod
Get "": dial tcp: lookup getaddrinfow: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.