guard / guard-jasmine

The Swiss Army knife for automated Jasmine specs in your console.

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guard-jasmine reports failures when spec passes

cmaujean opened this issue · comments

            16:09:04 - INFO - Guard::Jasmine starts Unicorn spec server on port 57526 in development environment (coverage off).
            16:09:05 - INFO - Waiting for Jasmine test runner at http://localhost:57526/jasmine
            16:09:18 - INFO - Run all Jasmine suites
            16:09:18 - INFO - Run Jasmine suite at http://localhost:57526/jasmine                16:09:25 - INFO - Finished in 1.03 seconds
            16:09:25 - INFO - setFocus()
            16:09:25 - INFO -   when there is an element on the page with a class of focus_point
            16:09:25 - INFO -     ✘ sets the focus to the element with a focus_point
            16:09:25 - INFO -       ➤ Expected '<input class="focus_point" id="searchbox" name="hoopyfrood" type="text">' to be focused.
            16:09:25 - INFO -       ➤ Passed.
            16:09:25 - INFO -   when there is no element on the page with a class of focus_point
            16:09:25 - INFO -     ✘ sets the focus to the first input on the first form on the page
            16:09:25 - INFO -       ➤ Expected '<input id="searchbox" name="hoopyfrood" type="text">' to be focused.
            16:09:25 - INFO -       ➤ Passed.
            16:09:25 - ERROR - 6 specs, 2 failures
            16:09:25 - INFO - Done.
            16:09:25 - INFO - Guard::Jasmine stops server.

These specs pass when running the server and going to /jasmine And they look like they passed here.

Using jasminerice and guard-jasmine. the spec in question calls loadFixtures in a beforeEach block.

That's a known issue with PhantomsJS. See #48 for a failing test script and a workaround.