gtg092x / node-wp-cli

Node JS Wrapper for the Wordpress CLI

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error - option is required, but it isn't?

tdmalone opened this issue · comments

When running the search_replace command, passing through two parameters - the old string to be replaced by the new string - I get this error:

throw "Error option <"+key+"> is required for "+use.join(" ")+". See"+use.join('/');
Error option <export> is required for search-replace. See shows that the only required arguments are the first two, and --export is indeed an optional argument.

Looking at the output of wp cli cmd-dump, the search-replace command appears to be explained like this:

"synopsis": "<old> <new> [<table>...] [--dry-run] [--network] [--all-tables-with-prefix] [--all-tables] [--export[=<file>]] [--export_insert_size=<rows>] [--skip-columns=<columns>] [--include-columns=<columns>] [--precise] [--recurse-objects] [--verbose] [--regex]"

I'm not certain, but could it be that because the option to include a file with the --export option is also optional, node-wp-cli is getting a bit confused about the status of this option?

The same issue also occurs with the recent v1.4.0 of wp cli, where node-wp-cli wants the --log param to be provided to search_replace.

+1 this problem.

var required = !/^\[[^\]]+\]$/.test(arg);
The problem is that the regex triggers on the second [ in the field.