grycap / minicon

Minimization of the filesystem for containers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

centos7 - minicon-1.4-1 - /minicon/work/image.tar: permission denied

thelittlebug opened this issue · comments


tried as normal user and as root.
tried to create the dir /minicon/work.

does not work for me. am i missing something?

thanks and best regards

Minicon 1-4.1 is not working
try older versions like 1-2.2. that will build your minimized centos image

I think that it is an issue with the CentOS version. I'll revise it.

Sorry, there was a problem when creating the packages. Now it is solved.

  • I have tested it in a fresh CentOS 7 version with a fresh docker official installation.

Can you please try it?