grundic / confluence-page-copier

Python script for creating recursive copy of Confluence pages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bracket Errors {...}

andrew-boutin opened this issue · comments

Putting {any_text} or {any_number} results in errors that are misleading.

Putting {random}, {bad}, {blah}, etc. in the destination title will fail the script and throw a key error.
Putting {1}, {2}, etc. in the destination title will fail the script and throw an index out of bounds error.

  • Possibly add a check / throw an error to catch these occurrences?
  • Possibly document to warn users not to use anything enclosed in brackets in the destination titles.
  • Maybe you'll want to allow them to put brackets in the actual titles by using an escape character.

Nice catch.. Should escape input from user.

Couldn't find your email, wanted to say thanks for writing this script! Makes copying huge page trees much less of a pain.

Hey, @andrew-boutin! Thank you for your warm words, it's so great to know that my work helped someone :)

Fixed issue, but have not much time testing it.
If something goes wrong -- open a new ticket.

And sorry for waiting so long :|