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Error happens when grpc client running in a container

Eileen-Yu opened this issue · comments

Hi, folks. I got a similar case happens in: #4689

What occurs to me is my nodejs grpc client running in my localhost (macos) can access to my remote grpc server successfully.

However, when I containerized the client app and run it either in docker runtime or k8s, it failed with errors logs as follow:

E0627 23:14:02.620652415     751] Invalid cert chain file.
E0627 23:14:02.620756726     751] Handshaker factory creation failed with TSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT.
E0627 23:14:02.620890860     751] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name 'host.docker.internal:5060'
E0627 23:14:02.621037765     751] Failed to create channel args during subchannel creation.
  pkgs:server falco client encountered an error: Error: 14 UNAVAILABLE: Empty update +5ms
  pkgs:server falco status: {
  pkgs:server   code: 14,
  pkgs:server   details: 'Empty update',
  pkgs:server   metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {}, flags: 0 }
  pkgs:server } +1ms

What I'm pretty sure is this is not an error of human operation such as invalid cert or dns resolution. Because the connection can be successfully setup in the host machine. Also, when the failure happens, the server side never received any package.

So I guess this happens at the client side in its very beginning period to setup the request.

It looks like a relative case to

However, intalling libssl and openssl in the container did not resolve the issue.

Wondering if someone have any suggestions on how we can go over this? Thx! 🙏

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