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C# quick start Grpc.Tools.1.7.x vs Grpc.Tools.1.2.2

qbolec opened this issue · comments

Not sure what exactly went wrong while following the tutorial but at some point the tutorial states I should run:

> packages\Grpc.Tools.1.7.x\tools\windows_x86\protoc.exe -I../../protos --csharp_out Greeter --grpc_out Greeter ../../protos/helloworld.proto --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=packages/Grpc.Tools.1.7.x/tools/windows_x86/grpc_csharp_plugin.exe

but the packages directory contains Grpc.Tools.1.2.2 and not Grpc.Tools.1.2.2.
Moreover the content of generate_protos.bat also references Grp.Tools.1.2.2.
I am on v1.7.x branch, windows 10, Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows Desktop.

You're right that our example projects are out of date, we will update them soon. In the meantime, you can update the Grpc.Core and Grpc.Tools packages in the example projects yourself.