growlf / custompostedit

Front end post edit a wordpress post with angular/ajax and a MVC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== custom-post-edit ===

Contributors: vimes1984

Donate link:

Tags: comments, wordpress post edit

Requires at least: 4.0.0

Tested up to: 3.6

Stable tag: 1.0.0

License: GPLv2 or later

License URI:

edit custom post types

== Description ==

ok we have a basic implementation it'll edit a post on the fron end if the user is logged in your gonna need some checks an your going to need to fill it out with your values is the main file again line 237-> 262 is the function that actually updates the post is your form all you need to feed this is your Post/Job ID and it will update that post the only other file that does anything is this one calls the php endpoint we defined in the first file the post_edit_fac and sends the formobject {} to that function from the form you can dump the form anywhere using the shortcode [post_edit]

== Installation ==

  1. Upload `` to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php do_action("custom-post-edit_hook"); ?> in your templates

== Screenshots ==

  1. This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-1.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif). Note that the screenshot is taken from the /assets directory or the directory that contains the stable readme.txt (tags or trunk). Screenshots in the /assets directory take precedence. For example, /assets/screenshot-1.png would win over /tags/4.3/screenshot-1.png (or jpg, jpeg, gif).
  2. This is the second screen shot

== Changelog ==

= 1.0 =

  • Initial Commit


Front end post edit a wordpress post with angular/ajax and a MVC


Language:PHP 84.4%Language:JavaScript 15.6%