grosser / kennel

Datadog monitors/dashboards/slos as code, avoid chaotic management via UI

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Kennel doesn't seem to support Sentry queries

Tang8330 opened this issue · comments


Commands (output from rake kennel:update_datadog)

rake aborted!
Error 400 during PUT /api/v1/monitor

{"errors":["The value provided for parameter 'query' is invalid"]}

do an import of an existing monitor and then use that query ... if it does not work, let me know :)
rake kennel:import TYPE=monitor ID=abc

You mean this right?
RESOURCE=monitor ID=abc bundle exec rake kennel:import

^ Same error as before

Calling it with rake kennel:import TYPE=monitor ID=abc returns Call with RESOURCE=dash

looks like datadog is not accepting their own output then :/

... can you do bundle open kennel and then put a puts JSON.pretty_generate(attributes) into lib/kennel/api.rb def update ... then run again and make sure the query look the same as in the export dialog in the datadog UI ... if yes, then please report to (with that printed json) that their api is not accepting that query :(

Hey, sorry just following up now. Tried just that, query is the same as export on the UI. I'll open a ticket with DD!

please leave the ticket number here so others can reference it, if more ppl run into this :)

Haha, they use Zendesk as well. Prob can't see, but here it is :)