gropi75 / SEM32

SEM32 (Solar Energy Manager 32) based on ESP32 for Soyosource Inverter, Huawei r4850g2 power supply and 48V battery

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Calculate max power for inverter to have a balanced load over night

gropi75 opened this issue · comments

Idea: enable a balanced inverter usage over night.
Actually the max inverter power shall be equal to the SOC diveded by the time where no energy is produced. Like time between sun set and the sunrise next day.
Battery capacity = 90Ah
Battery Voltage = 48V
SOC= 60%
Sunset = 17:00pm
Sunrise = 8:00am
-- difference 15hour

( Battery capacity * Voltage * SOC ) / ( Time difference ) = ( 90 * 48 * 0.6 ) / 15 = 172 W

This feature shall be activeted on demand by the user.