gresrun / jesque

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If redis restarts, lua scripts aren't reloaded

RyanGuthrie opened this issue · comments

I am testing failure scenarios and currently if redis restarts, the lua scripts for jesque_pop.lua and jesquelpoplpush.lua aren't reloaded and thus requires the worker to terminate.

@RyanGuthrie for the test scenario, what were the AOF and RDB settings ?

Neither are on.

I also had a worker terminated on a redis restart:

[WARN] [net.greghaines.jesque.worker.WorkerImpl] Terminating in response to exception
redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisNoScriptException: NOSCRIPT No matching script. Please use EVAL.

Any updates regarding this issue?

Hi there. Thank you for the fix. Is a release planned anytime soon - we are eagerly waiting for it?