greghendershott / toml

A TOML parser implementation in Racket.

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Add link in README on installing old version of parsack

soegaard opened this issue · comments

Hi Greg,

I think a line in the readme about parsack is needed. Something like:

The Toml parser needs a specific version of the library parsack.
First install parsack as below, then install toml afterwards.

raco pkg install "git://"

/Jens Axel

Can this be specified in info.rkt so that everything works automatically?

I haven't looked at this c. 5 years. (Also, I'm not spending much time with Racket lately because reasons.)

Having said that: Looking now, probably stchang/parsack@ca5b180 is the breaking change. Whatever I did around the same time to accommodate that breaking change, in, could probably be done here. Absent that happening, soon, I guess a README note like you suggest would help.

Looking more:

TOML has evolved since TOML 0.2.0, which is what existed when I did this in 2014. Quick glance, there are many new features up through TOML 0.5.0 that this library doesn't attempt to support.

I have no need for any of that, myself. I don't want to work on that.

If someone else wants to volunteer to do all that work? In that case:

  • I'd be happy to try to do one final commit, that adapts this to use the more-recent parsac, and, clarifies in the README that it's a TOML 0.2.0 parser.
  • I could archive this repo.
  • Someone could fork it, and take it from there.

p.s. Keep in mind this is just a GitHub repo -- I never put it on If someone else wanted to do that, they could; there's nothing that would need to be reassigned.

A solution that will likely require little time is to change "parsack" to "git://". I just tried it. It works.

Would you want to make this change? And if so, do you prefer me to submit a PR, or would you do it yourself?