greghendershott / racket-mode

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REPL: only the first expression/form is evaluated/printed

priime0 opened this issue · comments


Thanks to @soegaard for initially identifying this issue.

When interacting with the Racket REPL, I expect passing in multiple expressions/forms to evaluate/print all of them in order.

> 1 2
> (define x 1) (define y 2)
> x
> y

However, a recent change resulted in only the first expression/form to be evaluated/printed.

> 1 2
> (define x 1) (define y 2)
> x
> y
y: undefined;
 cannot reference an identifier before its definition

I am filing this issue because:

  1. This change isn't mentioned in the commit message's "major themes".
  2. My workflow previously depended on multiple expressions/forms in the REPL.

Reproducing and Details

This bug was introduced in the large commit 25224889d20b37bfd0d315a656542bb4fe8c2076 Redesign REPL I/O and add racket-hash-lang-mode. In the hash-lang branch, this was introduced in the commit fad7adfc2583a5c3f4264cdc7e698391eb87aa15.

Minimal reproducible configuration:

(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
       (expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory))
      (bootstrap-version 6))
  (unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
         'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
      (goto-char (point-max))
  (load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))

(straight-use-package 'racket-mode)
((alist-get 'racket-mode package-alist))
((emacs-version "29.2")
 (system-type gnu/linux)
 (x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t)
 (major-mode help-mode)
 (racket--el-source-dir "/home/priime/.emacs.d/straight/build/racket-mode/")
 (racket--rkt-source-dir "/home/priime/.emacs.d/straight/build/racket-mode/racket/")
 (racket-program "racket")
 (racket-command-timeout 10)
 (racket-path-from-emacs-to-racket-function UNDEFINED)
 (racket-path-from-racket-to-emacs-function UNDEFINED)
 (racket-browse-url-function racket-browse-url-using-temporary-file)
 (racket-documentation-search-location "")
 (racket-xp-after-change-refresh-delay 1)
 (racket-xp-highlight-unused-regexp "^[^_]")
 (racket-repl-buffer-name-function nil)
 (racket-memory-limit 2048)
 (racket-error-context medium)
 (racket-repl-history-directory "~/.emacs.d/racket-mode/")
 (racket-history-filter-regexp "\\`\\s *\\'")
 (racket-images-inline t)
 (racket-imagemagick-props nil)
 (racket-images-keep-last 100)
 (racket-images-system-viewer "display")
 (racket-pretty-print t)
 (racket-use-repl-submit-predicate nil)
 (racket-pretty-print t)
 (racket-indent-curly-as-sequence t)
 (racket-indent-sequence-depth 0)
 (racket-pretty-lambda nil)
 (racket-smart-open-bracket-enable nil)
 (racket-module-forms "\\s(\\(?:module[*+]?\\|library\\)")
  ((cm-accomplice . warning)
   (GC . info)
   (module-prefetch . warning)
   (optimizer . info)
   (racket/contract . error)
   (racket-mode-debugger . info)
   (sequence-specialization . info)
   (* . fatal)))

I recall being aware that was going to get dropped, and meaning to loop back later and revive it... but obviously didn't. Sorry!

I've started to dig in. I think I see how to make it work again. Already in my first quick attempt "it works".

I just want to test it more -- including against some of the various bug reports mentioned in the comments:

Although some of those might be merely adjacent, or might be N/A with the new design, I still want to double check them all before merging a commit.

I think this is ready. In my own testing it restores the desired behavior, and doesn't regress the other issues above.

@priime0 Is it convenient for you to try this from the issue-705 branch? If so, I'll wait before merging. If not, no worries, just please let me know that and I'll go ahead and merge.

Yep, I can test it out. Will probably get back to you in <12 hours. Thanks for doing this!

@greghendershott Tried it out -- all looks good! Thanks again

Thanks again for reporting and for testing! Merged.