greghendershott / racket-mode

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XREF can not find references inside Scribblings

xgqt opened this issue · comments


When running xref-find-references references are found in many files but not in .scrbl files.
On the other hand, when calling xref-find-definitions on a function name (in defproc) inside a .scrbl file the definition is correctly pointed to the source.



Debug info

((alist-get 'racket-mode package-alist))
((emacs-version "28.2")
 (system-type gnu/linux)
 (x-gtk-use-system-tooltips t)
 (major-mode xref--xref-buffer-mode)
 (racket--el-source-dir "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/racket-mode/")
 (racket--rkt-source-dir "/usr/share/emacs/etc/racket-mode/racket/")
 (racket-program "racket")
 (racket-command-timeout 10)
 (racket-path-from-emacs-to-racket-function UNDEFINED)
 (racket-path-from-racket-to-emacs-function UNDEFINED)
 (racket-browse-url-function racket-browse-url-using-temporary-file)
 (racket-documentation-search-location "")
 (racket-xp-after-change-refresh-delay 1)
 (racket-xp-highlight-unused-regexp "^[^_]")
 (racket-repl-buffer-name-function nil)
 (racket-memory-limit 2048)
 (racket-error-context medium)
 (racket-repl-history-directory "~/.config/emacs/racket-mode/")
 (racket-history-filter-regexp "\\`\\s *\\'")
 (racket-images-inline t)
 (racket-imagemagick-props nil)
 (racket-images-keep-last 100)
 (racket-images-system-viewer "display")
 (racket-pretty-print t)
 (racket-use-repl-submit-predicate nil)
 (racket-pretty-print t)
 (racket-indent-curly-as-sequence t)
 (racket-indent-sequence-depth 0)
 (racket-pretty-lambda nil)
 (racket-smart-open-bracket-enable nil)
 (racket-module-forms "\\s(\\(?:module[*+]?\\|library\\)")
  ((cm-accomplice . warning)
   (GC . info)
   (module-prefetch . warning)
   (optimizer . info)
   (racket/contract . error)
   (racket-mode-debugger . info)
   (sequence-specialization . info)
   (* . warning)))

I played around this a little and found out that only renaming .scrbl to .rkt finds the references correctly.

Now that I think of it I recall racket-mode was not very focused on supporting scribble.
Is there a way to also find refs in files not ending with .rkt?

This is a quick reply, nothing tested, but:

IIRC the default implementation of xref-find-references uses the value of auto-mode-alist.

So I think it will work as you want if you add to your config something like (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.scrbl\\'" . racket-mode)).

[Note this means that visiting .scrbl files will use racket-mode, too. Maybe you don't want that because you prefer scribble-mode, and already have an item in auto-mode-alist configured for that. If so, it might still work if you append to the list: (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.scrbl\\'" . racket-mode) t). My guess/hope is that visiting will use the first entry (for scribble-mode) but that xref-find-references will look at all of them... maybe?]

Does any of that help?

IIRC the default implementation of xref-find-references uses the value of auto-mode-alist.
So I think it will work as you want if you add to your config something like (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.scrbl\'" . racket-mode)).

You are correct!
I had a binding to a custom function, so changing it to ("\\.scrbl\\'" . racket-mode) fixed this issue.