Based off the 1996 game Rats! by Sean O'Connor, built in Java and JavaFX.
- Pick or create a profile
- Choose a map to play on (you'll need to beat the previous levels to play the next)
- Kill the rats before they overwhelm you!
$ git clone
$ cd Ratz
$ mvn clean javafx:run
Please note, as this was a coursework project, the final result was a modified version of design, and the design was not updated post-submission (it was completed before starting the programming)
Link to Design Documentation - This contains UML diagrams, CRC cards for every class.
Greenfoot5 - Project Manager, Programmer, Minutes
- Helped coordinate the project, from the general design of classes to the end, bringing it all together
- Created the Main Menu and MOTD classes
- Enforcing Javadoc and Coding Conventions specification of the coursework
- Responsible for meeting minutes
Vilija - Programmer, Artist
- Designed and implemented LevelController class
- Implemented GameObject class
- Designed all sprites in the game
Jems-M - Programmer, Level Design
- Designed and implemented all Rat classes and LevelFileReader
- Created level file formats
- Designed all the levels currently in the game
Nhysalotep - Programmer, SoundFX
- Designed and implemented all Tile classes
- Produced several sounds for the game, including death rat spawns and sterilisation
TomaszFiji - Programmer, SoundFX
- Designed and implemented Profiles and their classes/files
- Developed a High Score system
- Designed a style sheet for various menus including main menu and level selection
translibrius - Programmer, UI/UX
- Designed and implemented all Power classes, along with the music and sound player (SeaShantySimulator)
- Produced or found sounds and music for the game