gre / gl-react

gl-react – React library to write and compose WebGL shaders

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uniform sampler2D not working with image URI assets-library and URI base64

hai07t opened this issue · comments

I am trying to render an image from image URI assets-library and URI base64 with the following code:

// @flow
import * as React from "react";
import { Shaders, Node, GLSL, LinearCopy, Uniform } from "gl-react";

const shaders = Shaders.create({
    contain: {
        vert: GLSL`
      attribute vec2 _p;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform float tR;
      uniform vec2 res;
      float r;
      void main() {
        r = res.x / res.y;
        gl_Position = vec4(_p,0.0,1.0);
        uv = .5+.5*_p*vec2(max(r/tR,1.),max(tR/r,1.));
        frag: GLSL`
      precision highp float;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform sampler2D t;
      uniform float opacity;
      void main () {
      vec4 c = texture2D(t, uv);
      gl_FragColor =
        step(0.0, uv.x) *
        step(0.0, uv.y) *
        step(uv.x, 1.0) *
        step(uv.y, 1.0) *
        c / sqrt(opacity);
    free: {
        vert: GLSL`
      attribute vec2 _p;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform float zoom;
      uniform vec2 center;
      uniform float tR;
      uniform vec2 res;
      float r;
      vec2 invert (vec2 p) {
        return vec2(p.x, 1.0-p.y);
      void main() {
        r = res.x / res.y;
        gl_Position = vec4(_p,0.0,1.0);
        // crop with zoom & center in a cover mode. preserving image ratio
        float maxR = max(r, tR);
        vec2 zoomedCanvasSize = vec2(
          (r / maxR) * zoom,
          (tR / maxR) * zoom
        vec4 crop = vec4(
          center.x - zoomedCanvasSize.x / 2.,
          center.y - zoomedCanvasSize.y / 2.,
        // apply the crop rectangle
        uv = invert(invert(.5+.5*_p) * + crop.xy);
        frag: GLSL`
      precision highp float;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform sampler2D t;
      uniform float opacity;
      void main () {
        vec4 c = texture2D(t, uv);
        gl_FragColor =
          step(0.0, uv.x) *
          step(0.0, uv.y) *
          step(uv.x, 1.0) *
          step(uv.y, 1.0) *
          c / sqrt(opacity);
    cover: {
        // NB the cover vertex code can probably be simplified. good enough for now.
        vert: GLSL`
      attribute vec2 _p;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform float zoom;
      uniform vec2 center;
      uniform float tR;
      uniform vec2 res;
      float r;
      vec2 invert (vec2 p) {
        return vec2(p.x, 1.0-p.y);
      void main() {
        r = res.x / res.y;
        gl_Position = vec4(_p,0.0,1.0);
        // crop with zoom & center in a cover mode. preserving image ratio
        float maxR = max(r, tR);
        vec2 zoomedCanvasSize = vec2(
          (r / maxR) * zoom,
          (tR / maxR) * zoom
        vec4 crop = vec4(
          center.x - zoomedCanvasSize.x / 2.,
          center.y - zoomedCanvasSize.y / 2.,
        // clamp to not escape the edges
        float w = crop[2], h = crop[3];
        float ratio = w / h;
        if (w > 1.) {
          w = 1.;
          h = w / ratio;
        if (h > 1.) {
          h = 1.;
          w = h * ratio;
        crop = vec4(
          max(0., min(crop.x, 1.-w)),
          max(0., min(crop.y, 1.-h)),
        // apply the crop rectangle
        uv = invert(invert(.5+.5*_p) * + crop.xy);
        frag: GLSL`
      precision highp float;
      varying vec2 uv;
      uniform sampler2D t;
      uniform float opacity;
      void main () {
        vec4 c = texture2D(t, uv);
        gl_FragColor = c / sqrt(opacity);

type ImageProps =
    | {
          source: { uri: string },
          center?: [number, number],
          zoom?: number,
          opacity?: number,
          onDraw?: () => mixed,
          resizeMode: "cover" | "free"
    | {
          source: { uri: string },
          center?: [number, number],
          zoom?: number,
          opacity?: number,
          onDraw?: () => mixed,
          resizeMode: "contain"
    | {
          source: { uri: string },
          center?: [number, number],
          zoom?: number,
          opacity?: number,
          onDraw?: () => mixed,
          resizeMode: "stretch"

export default class Image extends React.PureComponent<ImageProps> {
    static defaultProps = {
        resizeMode: "cover",
        center: [0.5, 0.5],
        zoom: 1,
        opacity: 1

    render(): React.Node {
        // const { source, resizeMode, center, zoom, opacity, onDraw, } = this.props;
        const { resizeMode, center, zoom, opacity, onDraw, } = this.props;
        source = {

        if (resizeMode === "cover" || resizeMode === "free") {
            return (
                    shader={resizeMode === "cover" ? shaders.cover :}
                        t: source,
                        tR: Uniform.textureSizeRatio(source),
                        res: Uniform.Resolution,
                    {...{ onDraw }}

        if (resizeMode === "contain") {
            return (
                        t: source,
                        tR: Uniform.textureSizeRatio(source),
                        res: Uniform.Resolution,

        // fallback on stretch, most basic thing
        return <LinearCopy {}>{source}</LinearCopy>;

I tried to do it like this :

source = {


  source = {

but this does not work. If I use an URL like:

source = { uri: "" };

it does work.

I can't find where in the code the images are actually being loaded.

Any ideas?

I use library version

"gl-react": "^3.15.0",
"gl-react-expo": "",



I've same issue when use gl react v3. Can someone give the advice?


worth trying on gl-react v4
if it still doesn't work, you might want to find a way to either have the pixels ArrayBuffer or to save that image somewhere before using it, see

The pixels argument of texImage2D() must be null, an ArrayBuffer with pixel data, or an object of the form { localUri } where localUri is the file:// URI of an image in the device's file system. Thus an Asset object could be used once .downloadAsync() has been called on it (and completed) to fetch the resource.

@gre I'm having this issue on v4.0.1

@gre Is there any example on how we can create an ArrayBuffer from a local image?