grassdog / angular-cordova-mobile-prefab

A prefab project for a hybrid mobile app based on Angular and Cordova.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hybrid Mobile App base on AngularJS and Cordova

This prefab is for a hybrid mobile application based on the learnings of past projects.

The technical landscape is broad, and the goal of this prefab is to make as many mechanical technical decisions as practically possible so you can focus on the product instead of solved problems.

In What Context Might This Be Useful?

You need a cross-platform mobile application and don't have the time or skills (or it just doesn't make sense) to build two native applications.

Technical Approach

Responsibility Chosen Solution
Language Javascript ES6 (Babel)
Framework AngularJS
Persistence Lawnchair
Unit Testing Jasmine
Analytics Google Analytics
Styling Bourbon/Neat/Bitters

More Information

The following documents contain more information about this prefab.

Getting started

Fork this repo and clone it locally. If you are a developer start at Development Environment Setup.

Read through the documents listed above. Meetings and Process outlines some meetings and legwork you probably want to get started on first. Development Environment Setup and Application Description is a good place to start to get a grip on the technical details.

If there are steps missing or things that could be improved, please open an issue or a pull request.

How to contribute back?

There is a list of TODO items. If you want to help find something from there and have a crack, and open a pull request.


A prefab project for a hybrid mobile app based on Angular and Cordova.

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 59.8%Language:JavaScript 24.5%Language:Ruby 10.9%Language:HTML 3.1%Language:CoffeeScript 1.8%