graphql-python / graphql-core-legacy

GraphQL base implementation for Python (legacy version – see graphql-core for the current one)

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Null value from non-required enum field raises exception

picturedots opened this issue · comments

I've been searching for the underlying cause of the error in graphene-django that breaks Django choice fields when the value is blank: graphql-python/graphene-django#474 . This is a regression, new since graphql-core 2.1.

The validation for an enum value new in version 2.1 doesn't seem to take into account whether or not the field is allowed to have a null value before raising an exception.


if serialized_result is None:
    raise GraphQLError(
        ('Expected a value of type "{}" but ' + "received: {}").format(
            return_type, result

Should this exception be the exception shouldn't be raised unconditionally? The graphql source has the same pattern in it but perhaps catches the error ...

I'm experiencing the same issue. Please help <3

Also experiencing this issue I think.

After upgrading from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 an enum key with a null value no longer works as an argument.

Argument "argumentName" has invalid value NONE.
Expected type "enum_name", found NONE.

Where NONE is the key in the enum, not the value i.e. NONE = None

Seems like this resolved issue from graphql-js might be related.

I'm experiencing this issue as well. Is there a recommended way to let enum fields be None/null? Example

import pytz
import graphene
from graphene_django.converter import convert_choice_name
from enum import Enum

OptionsEnum = Enum(value='TimezoneOptions',
                   names=[(convert_choice_name(tz), tz)
                          for tz in pytz.common_timezones])

TimezoneOptions = graphene.Enum.from_enum(
    OptionsEnum, description=lambda tz: tz and tz.value)

def timezone_resolver(model, _):
    tz = model.timezone
    return TimezoneOptions.get( if hasattr(tz, 'zone') else tz)

# Part of my UserNode, it's not everything
class UserNode(DjangoObjectType):
    timezone = graphene.Field(TimezoneOptions,

I'm curious if one of the maintainers could weigh in on this. We have a lot of places in our codebase where we'd like to have nullable enums, but if this isn't getting fixed we'll probably go another direction.

@jarcoal: This repository is for v2 of graphql-core only which is not under active development any more. Current development in v3 has moved to

@Cito thanks for the heads up, I'll start tracking graphene's progress on switching over to that.