graphql-python / graphql-core-legacy

GraphQL base implementation for Python (legacy version – see graphql-core for the current one)

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Using problem (ignore)

dmalisani opened this issue · comments

I'm trying that it works the following code , but despite I tested qs result is correct just before return... The final result (showed in frontend) is obtained from the default database.
What is there in middle?
This is a no desirable result

def resolve_articulos(self, *args, **kwargs):
-- usuario = args[0].context.user
-- if not usuario.is_authenticated:
---- return Articulo.objects.none()
-- else:
---- db = usuario.perfil.empresa.base_datos
---- if len(db)>0:
------ qs=Articulo.objects.using(db).all()
---- else:
------ qs=Articulo.objects.all()
-- return qs

@dmalisani I'm not sure I understand the problem. Can you include an example of the problem that I can reproduce?

Ok, my English is not very good, but I'll try

There is no much code for show it...
I describe my problem.
Each user has assigned a database (they are named in
I'm trying that graphene get results from such database according to user.

Resolve def (pasted in my issue) works fine.
If I print just before return line... I can see right result,
But at front-end (default graphene test front-end) it seems ignore resolve results and shows "default" database results.

The question is... what is trace after def resolve until response for frontend?

There is a bug (I think) in DjangoFilterConnectionField
I have following code:

    def resolve_articulos(self, *args, **kwargs):
       usuario = args[0].context.user
        if not usuario.is_authenticated:
            return Articulo.objects.none()
            db = usuario.perfil.empresa.base_datos
            if len(db)>0:
        return qs

if I use
articulos = graphene.List(ArticuloNode)
works as I expect (it choices right DB according to user)
but if I use
articulos = DjangoFilterConnectionField(ArticuloNode)
it ignores DB choice and show result from default db
despite that I can see that used right resolve_articulos but It's overrided (overwrited) later.

@dmalisani it seems the issue is related to graphene-django, could you post it there? It will help to localize a fix for it ;)