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Upload file

zamaniramin549 opened this issue · comments

I'm currently attempting to upload files using Graphene and have explored several packages in my search. Unfortunately, none of them have proven effective. It seems to be a notable issue that Graphene lacks built-in support for file uploads.

Graphene does support file uploads, but it's a matter of the underlying web view (for example graphene Django, starlette-graphene3, GraphQL-server) to support them. What's your stack? If you're able to provide a minimal example I might be able to help.


In reality if you google this topic extensively, you'll notice that there are a number of ways to tackle it.
In the example below, the path we've chosen is to stick to graphql only and used graphene-file-upload.

That graphene-file-upload package supports file transfers. By now, it seems that it hasn't received any updates in a couple of years. But if something would break, I can imagine it will be easy enough to fork and fix.

This very minimal example below is how I tackled the mutation a couple of years ago with that package. It's not intended to work out of the box, it's just a simplified snippet from a codebase in one of our projects at

from graphene_file_upload.scalars import Upload
import graphene
from .validators import your_file_validator

class CreateFile(graphene.Mutation):
    file = graphene.Field(FileType, required=False)

    class Arguments:
        filename = graphene.String(required=True)
        filecontents = Upload(required=True)

    def mutate(root, info, filename, filecontents, *args, **kwargs):
        user = info.context.user
        file_instance = File(), ContentFile(, save=False)

            return CreateFile(file=file_instance)
        except ValidationError:
            return CreateFile(file=None)