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Enhance docs for DataLoader & django 4.0+ async examples

martinschnurer opened this issue · comments

I went through docs for dataloader & django execution examples, but they seem not working with django 4+ anymore. Django suggests using sync_to_async ( and async_to_sync) wrappers, but I can't wrap my head around that for now. It would be really cool to see some more examples on running django v4 and dataloader (aiodataloader).



What I have

from graphene_django import DjangoObjectType
from aiodataloader import DataLoader

class PhotoFileByImageIdDataLoader(DataLoader):
    cache = False

    async def batch_load_fn(self, image_ids):
        images = Image.objects.filter(id__in=image_ids).select_related("photo_file")

        photo_file_by_image_ids = { image.photo_file for image in images}

        return [photo_file_by_image_ids.get(image_id) for image_id in image_ids]

loader = PhotoFileByImageIdDataLoader()

class ImageNode(DjangoObjectType):
    async def resolve_photo_file(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return await loader.load(

What I'm getting after execution:

         "message":"Received incompatible instance \"<coroutine object ImageNode.resolve_photo_file at 0x7f6cb7820270>\".",
 "results": [ ... ]

Important information: in JSON results, there were results, but photo_file field remains null on each object - that's where the problem is with the resolve_photo_file method I suppose.

I followed docs at

Have anyone stumbled upon something similar? I'm having hard times getting this work


PR #1394 will address the async support!

PR #1394 to support async is ready for review!

I am a bit confused about how DataLoaders should work with graphene-django 3.
I've tried the approach from the documentation and I get a "Query.resolver coroutine was never awaited".

Are we in a situation where DataLoaders don't work in any way and they are just there in the documentation? Or do I need to use a ASGI server for them to work ? There is no mention in the documentation about this. The async/await examples are only found on the DataLoaders page without any mention on initial setup for them to work.

In the meantime I found this package that works really well (That is also mentioned in the Ariadne graphql library):

That gives you support for graphene v3 + the new graphql core that removed Promise based dataloaders support.

What is the graphene-django's v3 way to use DataLoaders in a sync manner?

Can someone explain the situation more? Or what needs to be done for the examples from the docs to work? Do we need to wait for #1394 ?

Also for people that run Django in a sync manner (and don't plan to move all their queries to async and wrap everything in sync_to_async and async_to_sync) I think it's also a good idea to mention the sync dataloader package above in the DataLoader docs page, just so that people know about it and don't want to move to Async Django.

Ariadne are mentioning it, so it should be good to use.

@jkimbo What do you think ?


Any updates on this?
