graphql-python / flask-graphql

Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.

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Header support in graphiQL interface

ShivanshJ opened this issue · comments

A 'headers' bar/tab can be added in the interface to support authentication tokens and other header functionality.

Currently, other external third-party clients like Insomnia have to be downloaded.

Hi @ShivanshJ

The plan is to merge flask-graphql into graphql-server-core and release it as v3 and also bring latest GraphiQL version which does support the headers option. Please take a look at graphql-python/graphql-server#49

For the people who end up here, in the meantime you can always overwrite the graphiql template that flask-graphql uses.


Where graphiql_template.TEMPLATE is an updated version of flask_graphql/
I simply used the flask-graphql template and updated react, was smooth sailing.

@vallode glad it was easy to override, that's the purpose of those parameters on the GraphiQLView class.

Another example can be found at #68.


For anyone looking for an updated graphiql template that supports request headers, this is a slightly tweaked version (template variables have been changed to match the variables passed in by flask-graphql), taken mostly from graphql-server.

TEMPLATE = """<!--
The request to this GraphQL server provided the header "Accept: text/html"
and as a result has been presented GraphiQL - an in-browser IDE for
exploring GraphQL.
If you wish to receive JSON, provide the header "Accept: application/json" or
add "&raw" to the end of the URL within a browser.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
  <meta name="referrer" content="origin" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    body {
      margin: 0;
      overflow: hidden;
    #graphiql {
      height: 100vh;
  <link href="//{{graphiql_version}}/graphiql.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//{{graphiql_version}}/graphiql.min.js"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <div id="graphiql">Loading...</div>
    // Collect the URL parameters
    var parameters = {};'&').forEach(function (entry) {
      var eq = entry.indexOf('=');
      if (eq >= 0) {
        parameters[decodeURIComponent(entry.slice(0, eq))] =
          decodeURIComponent(entry.slice(eq + 1));
    // Produce a Location query string from a parameter object.
    function locationQuery(params) {
      return '?' + Object.keys(params).filter(function (key) {
        return Boolean(params[key]);
      }).map(function (key) {
        return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' +
    // Derive a fetch URL from the current URL, sans the GraphQL parameters.
    var graphqlParamNames = {
      query: true,
      variables: true,
      operationName: true
    var otherParams = {};
    for (var k in parameters) {
      if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(k) && graphqlParamNames[k] !== true) {
        otherParams[k] = parameters[k];
    // Configure the subscription client
    let subscriptionsFetcher = null;
    var fetchURL = locationQuery(otherParams);
    // Defines a GraphQL fetcher using the fetch API.
    function graphQLFetcher(graphQLParams, opts) {
      return fetch(fetchURL, {
        method: 'post',
        headers: Object.assign(
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
          opts && opts.headers,
        body: JSON.stringify(graphQLParams),
        credentials: 'include',
      }).then(function (response) {
        return response.json();
    // When the query and variables string is edited, update the URL bar so
    // that it can be easily shared.
    function onEditQuery(newQuery) {
      parameters.query = newQuery;
    function onEditVariables(newVariables) {
      parameters.variables = newVariables;
    function onEditHeaders(newHeaders) {
      parameters.headers = newHeaders;
    function onEditOperationName(newOperationName) {
      parameters.operationName = newOperationName;
    function updateURL() {
      history.replaceState(null, null, locationQuery(parameters));
    // Render <GraphiQL /> into the body.
      React.createElement(GraphiQL, {
        fetcher: subscriptionsFetcher || graphQLFetcher,
        onEditQuery: onEditQuery,
        onEditVariables: onEditVariables,
        onEditHeaders: onEditHeaders,
        onEditOperationName: onEditOperationName,

        query: {{ params.query|tojson }},
        response: {{ result|tojson }},
        variables: {{ params.variables|tojson }},
        operationName: {{ params.operation_name|tojson }},

        headers: {{params.headers or ''|tojson}},
        headerEditorEnabled: true,
        shouldPersistHeaders: true,

Separately, maintaining our own template is less than ideal -- is there an update on when flask-graphql will support this feature?

Separately, maintaining our own template is less than ideal -- is there an update on when flask-graphql will support this feature?

Well yes, use graphql-server pre-release version, which supports flask, sanic, aiohttp, webob by following the flask docs

Unfortunately I am relying on graphene-file-upload, which directly depends on flask-graphql.

Even if that wasn't the case, the graphql-server pre-release depends on graphene 3.0, and I'm also using graphene-sqlalchemy, which doesn't support that version yet.

Since it seems like everything is being consolidated in graphql-server, does that mean flask-graphql won't be releasing newer versions?

Any news on a way to have a header support for flask-graphql ?